You can't always get what you want

So you're using TDD and you are test-infected and you have extremely low defect rate, the world is smiling at you and everything is super. Can you reach a point where your test suite does not need any more test cases?

Sadly, the mathematical answer is No. There's no such thing as a "big-enough" test suite.

Here is the explanation: Suppose your test suite contains n test cases. We can say that this suite is large enough if it guarantees that the n+1 test case is already covered by the existing n cases.

I claim that if you give me a class that passes these n tests I can give you a class that still passes these n test but fails for the n+1 test. In other words: passing the first n tests guarantees nothing with respect to any subsequent tests.

If you're really interested in the details, then here's how I can make the class fail in this last test: I will obtain the stacktace - new Exception().getStackTrace() - and look for the test method of that n+1 test. Of course this is a highly superficial way for a program to fail a test but it is still a bug just like any other "natural" bug (an int overflow with large inputs, a collection stored in a static field that eventually explodes, ...).

A few corollaries:
  1. Every test suite always has one more thing that it can check for.
  2. A bug that was not caught is not an indication to the test suite's lack of strength.
As you can see my point here is that blindly growing your test suite is almost a futile effort. (mathematically speaking, no matter how many tests you can write the total amount will still be just a tiny fracture of infinity). Instead of going for the masses, you should strive to make your suite "smarter". Here are three suggestions:
  • Don't treat the tested class as a black box. If you know nothing about the implementation then you have to test each method separately. On the other hand, if you allow your self to know that method f() merely calls g() with some default parameters, then you can dramatically reduce the amount of testing for f(). In theory, the Black-box approach for testing sounds like an excellent idea (you test the interface not the implementation) . The sad reality is that this approach is impractical - you number of tests you have to write is astronomical.
  • Prefer thin interfaces. If the public interface of your class has just one method, it can be tested much more effectively than a class with (say) two public methods.
  • Invest in high-level test. Unit testing is great. But higher level tests (aka: functional-, acceptance- tests) examine larger parts of your code in real-world scenarios. Thus, if you feel your suite is not strong enough, I would recommend adding more high-level tests. The return on investment (that is: the increase in the strength of your suite) will be much bigger than with adding low-level test.

1 comments :: You can't always get what you want

  1. I have created a project called InTrace which allows for easy tracing of Java programs. This includes an Eclipse plugin to quickly start using InTrace.

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