Repeat after me: Immutable objects will not slow you down

As noted by Stephan Schmidt the advent of functional programming promotes the use of immutable objects even in non-functional languages. Immutable objects have many positive traits: they are safer, they throw less exception, they are not prone to problems of covariance, they prevent races when used in a multi-threaded settings, etc.

The main (only?) down side of immutable object is the fact that they make it difficult to update the data in your program. This should not be a surprise. After all, if they are immutable then it only makes sense that they will not encourage mutations.

Here is the general description of the problem: if x is an immutable object and x.f == y, and you want x.f to point at z, then you can't just set x.y to z. You need to create a new object, x', that is identical to x in all aspects except that x'.f == z. You then need to find all references to x and reroute them to x'.

In certain cases (such as: many object holding references to x) this rerouting may be quite hard and error prone. Also, if the objects pointing at x are immutable themselves, then further updates need to be carried out across your data structure. These difficulties are the reason why most C/C++/Java/C# folks tend to prefer designs with mutable objects, despite the benefits of immutability.

Side note: functional languages usually offer powerful pattern matching mechanisms that simplify the process of updating (immutable) data structures.

Anyway, even in cases where correctly rerouting references is not that bigger problem, developers are sometimes reluctant to use immutability due to performance issues. The argument goes as follows: If I make this class immutable, I will have to allocate a new object every time I update one of the fields. This extra allocation will slow down my program.

This argument is, by and large, incorrect.

Reason #1. Most of the code you're writing will not affect the performance of your program. There is no point in optimizing your code prematurely.

Reason #2. Mutable objects lead to defensive getters/setters. That is, If a method returns a field pointing at a mutable object it usually needs to create a copy of it to prevent the caller from breaking the invariants of the class. This means that an object will be duplicated even if the caller just wants to read its content. Given that reads are more frequent than writes we actually have that immutable objects yield faster programs simply because they do not imply object copying with every get/set operation.

I experienced this effect a few years ago when I had to optimize CPU-intensive code that dealt with queries over in-memory tables. The profiler indicated that most of the time my program was busy duplicating rows of these tables which, usually, were not mutated at all. Switching into an immutable design resulted in a significant performance boost.

Still not convinced? Maybe this will help you. When Josh Bloch discusses API design decisions that create performance problems, he gives as an example Java's Dimension class which is---wait for it---mutable. Specifically, each call to Component.getSize() must allocate a new Dimension object which leads to numerous needless allocations. Further details are given in Josh's excellent lecture, How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters (Immutability of class Dimension is discussed ~ 32 min. into the talk).

8 comments :: Repeat after me: Immutable objects will not slow you down

  1. It's also worth noting that Joda-Time, which uses an immutable objects approach has a much performance than the built-in Java counterparts.

  2. It depends on the situation. But extremely high frequent object creation kills scalability and performance:

  3. Think about this, you are writing a computer game and you create 500k of new objects per frame. You have 30 frames per second.

    Why not just update all memory in-place rather than creating new objects all the time to represent the state of the game.

    For anyone who started programming with 64k of ram, the idea of non-mutable objects seems very very wrong.

  4. Just do the thing that matter to your problem.

    Java String are fine most of the time.

    When you have to do many concatenations of big Strings, then you use a StringBuffer...

    There is no one good solution to everything. Choose the one that best fit your case.

  5. @phil: humans and compilers do much better reasoning about code when there's little to no mutability. It GREATLY helps in multi-threading. So that's why you think twice about updating object in-place.

    Also, you've picked a particular niche, even particular to gaming. Maybe Halo 3 performs better with mutable objects, but is it necessary for Settlers of Catan?

    @Anonymous StringBuffer can be thought of as a stream which can be reasoned about in a functional context without too much pain.

  6. completely agree with you, immutable object are one of best design pattern which one should leverage as much as possible.

    Why String is immutable in Java

  7. Or, we could just use a language that implements const correctness... No need for a defensive copy if we can enforce at compile-time that a normally mutable class won't be changed through a certain reference. Still need to make defensive copies if we need the object referenced by our const reference to remain the same and not be modified in another place, though.

    Still, even in lieu of proper const correctness I still prefer the const interface pattern to immutability in many cases.

    Repeat after me: immutable objects WILL slow you down in many situations, when compared to some sort of const reference / const view pattern ;).

    Cheers :).

  8. Great post !!

    Java books

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